Home 9 PARC Stories 9 Your PARC Moment: Blair

Your PARC Moment: Blair

by | Dec 11, 2024 | PARC Stories

As part of our 44th year, we are sharing stories from PARC people to capture their PARC moment, here’s Blair’s story about being a part of Parkdale Property Management team and PARC. 

I first heard about PPM through a friend who introduced me to PARC, and I’ve been coming here ever since, about a year now. Initially, I started with the drop-in space, having a cup of tea and reading, but eventually began volunteering, which has had a huge impact on my life. Before I came here, I was struggling with addiction, but I’ve been clean for over a year, and volunteering has helped keep my mind focused on positive activities instead of the negativity. I started with cleaning, and now I’m working with the smoking cessation team, with aspirations to become a peer support worker. I want to give back after battling addiction for 31 years. I’m incredibly grateful to PARC for everything—it’s been a life-changing experience.