We invite you to read through our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and look forward to sharing the actions, outcomes and progress as we work toward achieving our goals. We are committed to delivering on our mission and vision, grounded in our values and guiding principles. If you have any questions about our Strategic Plan or would like to learn more email: stratplan@parc.on.ca.
Read message from our ED and Board Co-Chair
Developing a five-year strategic plan has its share of challenges, and our latest
one, delayed by three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is no exception.
The pandemic has so deeply affected our members, staff, community, and city –
it’s hard to imagine ever ‘going back’ to how we used to live, work, and connect
with each other.
The pandemic also has a profound impact on individuals facing houselessness
and those struggling with mental health and substance use challenges. The lack
of access to community-based spaces and loss of in-person interactions created a
ripple effect throughout PARC, on morale, relationships, and concerns that our
Drop-in, programs, and services would never be fully operational again.
Yet, like so many non-profit organizations providing essential services for our
city’s most vulnerable, we adapted and moved forward.
Our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan outlines our goals and objectives for the next five
years, with a commitment to listening, sharing, collaborating and envisioning
together as we work to implement it. We remain grounded in our dedication to
caring for our members and pushing for systemic change, while recognizing the
need to increase our anti-racism and equity work, have greater diversity
throughout our organization, and prioritizing wellness and rest for our staff.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in and supported the
development of this plan. As always, it is the collective wisdom of our members,
staff, volunteers, partners, and community that keeps us inspired and working
to deliver on our mission.
We look forward to sharing the actions and outcomes over the next five years and
welcome your feedback as we work towards our goals.
Victor Willis, Executive Director, PARC
Tyde Cambridge & Bruce Voogd, Co-Chairs, PARC Board of Directors
2023 – 2027 Strategic Priorities
Over the next five years we will:
Reimagine the Way We Work
We strive to create safe, authentic spaces that are respectful and mindful of different energies, ways of working and align with PARC values. Our approach is rooted in giving people an opportunity to share and learn from each other.
- Champion ongoing listening, collaboration, co-design in all aspects of our work
- Invest time and resources for staff and peer training, professional development, engagement and social connection to foster an equitable, accessible, safe and supportive working environment.
- Review and assess organizational culture and approach to program and service delivery with staff and members.
Implementation might look like…
- Integrating leadership and teamwork activities into department and individual work plans.
- Re-building agendas at staff meetings to have time to share stories and accomplishments with each other.
Listen, Collaborate, Co-design
Build our Member Community
Our members are at the centre of everything we do. “A Home. A Job. A Friend. A Neighbourhood.” represents our integrated approach to providing essential supports and services.
- Increase PARC member participation in needs assessment and evaluation of programs and services, supportive housing and member employment.
- Re-establish opportunities for social and community connection, learning from one another, in-person and online, wherever possible.
- Partner with organizations to reach diverse communities in need of our services and programs.
Implementation might look like…
- Inviting members to collaborate on and participate in surveys, group discussions and reviews of action plans.
- Asking our donor, volunteer and local community members to join information and discussion sessions about PARC to foster connection and support of our mission.
Outreach, Delivery, Advocacy
Strengthen Supportive Housing
Providing safe and adequate housing for PARC tenants means prioritizing maintenance and tenant support with communications and status outcomes.
- Advance efforts to meaningfully engage PARC tenants in the development and integration of PARC supportive housing and tenant community in Parkdale.
- Continue to build trust with PARC tenants by providing housing stability and tenant supports that meet their needs.
- Advocate for an increase in the number and options for safe, supportive, affordable housing.
Implementation might look like…
- Improving system delivery to ensure that supports, services, maintenance and updates are integrated and accessible for tenants.
- Launching a Tenant Advocacy Committee to involve tenants in the planning and decision-making of housing supports and to foster community.
Quality, Safety, Community
Embed Equity and Reconciliation
Embedding EDI in every aspect of our work includes building more diversity across PARC including leadership, staff, members and tenants to ensure our programs and services are inclusive.
- Implement clear anti-oppressive policies, procedures, and protocols to guide PARC’s practices.
- Continue to actively promote equity, diversity and inclusion across our organizational work.
- Partner with Indigenous housing provider to assist in creating culturally Indigenous housing, programs and services.
Implementation activities
- Engaging BIPOC for EDI leadership training and co-designing our EDI action plan.
- Reviewing hiring criteria and assessment to ensure prioritization of lived experience, and equity-deserving groups across all areas.