Home 9 Programs & Services

Programs & Services

Book spine showing title: Let's Face It

A Home. A Job. A Friend. A Neighbourhood.

Our Drop-in:

Open seven days a week and all are welcome.  There are a variety of activities throughout the week, both virtual and in-person. Please speak with Drop-in staff members for more information, to get a schedule or sign up for activities.

View our monthly activities calendar – everyone welcome!

Community meal program:

      • Breakfast service is in-person dine-in for all, and to-go meals will be available if required.
      • Lunch service is in-person dine-in for all, and to-go meals will be available if required.
      • On Fridays, only lunch service is provided and all are welcome for the community in our Drop-in.
      • Meals are first come, first serve and are usually served approximately .30 minutes after the Drop-in opens.

Drop-in hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Friday: 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Saturday, Sunday & holidays: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Drop-in Group Activities

Monthly Programs Calendar

Movies of the Month

Movies are shown in the Drop-in twice a month in the afternoon, all welcome, calendar of events are posted in the Drop-in each month.

Music Discussion Group

Music Discussion Group is an opportunity for members to gather (either online or, when safe to do so, in person) to listen and discuss music and its effect.  Great for discovering music that we may not come across in our everyday listening practices, and connects members of our community through the power of song.

Book Club

The Book Club is a group for its members to gather to discuss a shared reading experience. The group may read short stories read during the session, or take on a novel that is discussed over a several week span. Either way, members have the chance to take part in fruitful conversations about a variety of genres and styles.

Mindfulness Group

Mindfulness group works with the basics of meditation and the foundational attitudes for practice; patience, curiosity, trust, non-striving, acceptance and letting go. The group meets for one hour on Friday mornings at 10:00 for discussion, instruction and practice.

Writing Group

One of PARC’s longest running groups, members gather on Friday afternoons for 2 hours of creative expression. At the beginning of the session, the group comes up with a prompt (often inspired by a particular poem or poet). Then, members are provided a period of time to write (prose, poetry, or any other style) followed by a time to share the piece with the rest of the group.

Art Group

The zoom art group meets every Saturday from 3pm-4pm. Members can be provided with art supplies of their choosing. The group has social chat time while working on individual art projects. Everyone shares their work at the end of the session.

More Programs & Services

Please contact info@parc.on.ca if you require more information about a specific program or service.

Money Matters

Housing supports

Community Access Program

Peer Shelter Support Program

Member Employment 

Case Management