Home 9 Programs & Services 9 Peer Support

Peer Support

The Peer Support program assists individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness by employing peers with lived experience to provide direct support in shelters and at PARC. 

These trained peers connect clients with essential services, promote housing stability, and foster a supportive environment.  

Facilitating support groups, workshops, and educational sessions, peers build a sense of community, encourage social connections, and create an environment of trust and mutual support that enhances overall well-being and success. 

Their firsthand insights help clients navigate their journey to stable housing while offering peer workers valuable professional development. 

Peer Shelter Program  

The Peer Shelter Support program is designed to provide support to individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The program employs peers with lived experience of homelessness who work 3-4 days a week in eight different shelters. They spend additional time at PARC for coaching and mentoring. The peers’ roles are customized to meet the specific needs of each shelter.   

They act as a bridge between service users and providers to support shelter users in accessing services and achieving housing stabilization. 

The program aims to assist members on their journey to stable housing by providing work experience and training opportunities for peer workers. Ultimately, the program seeks to help more clients move into stable housing and facilitate peer workers’ transition into other employment roles in the sector. 

Community Access Program 

The Community Access Program is a partnership between PARC, Sistering and West Neighbourhood House that provides accompaniment to appointments and helps people living in shelters to access appropriate care and reduce emergency room visits.